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CSG’s guide to buying a house with a septic tank

05 August 2024 by CSG
If you purchase a property with an off-mains drainage system, you may not be aware of exactly how that system works. There are multiple different types of off-mains drainage system that your...

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POPs Waste Disposal – What are Persistent Organic Pollutants

01 July 2024 by CSG
What are POPS? Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic substances that persist in the environment and accumulate in living organisms. They pose a risk to both human health and the...

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Nutrient Neutrality: Tackling Nitrate & Phosphate Pollution

19 April 2024 by CSG
Nitrate and phosphate pollution is on the rise in the UK and Ireland. These chemicals are all around us – both naturally occurring and man-made. They are essential to plant and animal life and the...

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Disposing of unknown chemicals – Pioneering new techniques

12 April 2024 by CSG
Disposing of unknown chemicals can pose a significant challenge to many UK businesses due to a lack of available disposal options. Unknown or unlabeled chemicals can also be a health and safety risk...

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Waste Crime – What to Watch Out For & What to Avoid!

15 March 2024 by CSG
The waste industry has come a long way since the days of digging a hole in the ground and burying it. CSG has more 90 years of experience in handling domestic and industrial waste. Since 1934, we...

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Spill Control Basics – The Importance of Chemical Spill Kits

27 February 2024 by CSG
Knowing about spill control and chemical spill kits is important if your business deals with chemicals. Every year, industries use thousands of chemicals in their processes – it could be anything...

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Septic Tank Care – The Do’s & Don’ts

20 December 2023 by CSG
Septic tank and package plant care and maintenance can seem like a daunting task, but it's surprisingly easy. Being mindful of what you're doing inside your home is the best way to keep your...

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Recycling Solar Panels | A Sustainable Approach

31 October 2023 by CSG
Solar panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home or business. As both the energy crisis and climate change...

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Habitat Protection and Your Septic Tank

16 October 2023 by CSG
If you own a septic tank or sewage treatment plant, then you are responsible for its safe and effective operation. Proper maintenance and consideration for habitat protection ensure the

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Fuel & Oil Interceptor Care Guide | How to Avoid Large Fines

14 August 2023 by CSG
What is an interceptor? Fuel and oil interceptors are drainage systems found at commercial and industrial sites. They prevent oil from polluting the environment or discharging into the sewer....

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Septic Tank Regulations | Are you compliant?

06 July 2023 by CSG
If you own a property with a septic tank, there are new septic tank regulation rules coming that might impact you. If you already have a septic tank system, the new rules mainly apply to new...

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CSG’s Health & Safety Week 2023 Roundup

23 June 2023 by CSG
We held our annual Health and Safety Week from 12th - 16th June and it was a huge success! We’d like to take this chance to thank everyone who helped to make this one of the best we’ve had so...

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Disposing of Disposables | Your Guide to Recycling Vapes

02 June 2023 by CSG
Vapes have proven to be a popular alternative to smoking in recent years. Yearly, people in the UK buy half a billion vapes, with 3 million vapes sent for disposal every week (that’s 2 every...

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PPE Disposal Guide | Sustainable disposal for surplus supplies

19 April 2023 by CSG
To help our customers, we have put together a guide for PPE disposal to help you choose the best disposal route for your surplus PPE waste. When the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, a huge...

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Hazardous Waste Removal | Your Ultimate Guide

17 March 2023 by CSG
What is Hazardous Waste? Hazardous waste is generally considered to be any waste that is harmful to human health, animals, or the environment. This also includes materials or substances the...

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A day in the life of an apprentice at CSG

10 February 2023 by CSG
National Apprenticeship Week recognises and celebrates the accomplishments of apprentices across England. This year, the annual celebration is taking place between Monday 6th February and Sunday...

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Waste Hand Sanitiser | How do you Dispose of Hand Gel?

31 January 2023 by CSG
Back in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic first began, hand sanitiser sales jumped by 600% compared to the previous year. Businesses and organizations stocked up on the product in unprecedented...

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New DGSA regulations: what do they mean for you?

12 December 2022 by CSG
From the 1st of January 2023, any company involved in the transportation or handling of hazardous waste will require a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA). The reason your company may now need...

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How often should your sewage treatment plant be serviced?

02 August 2022 by CSG
The EA says package sewage treatment plants need servicing every year. But why is it so important? Package sewage treatment plants (such as Klargesters) support the growth of aerobic

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Lab Chemical Waste Collection Team Led By Dr. A to Z.

13 April 2022 by CSG
Labs, schools, universities, and other research facilities often produce multiple streams of chemical waste stored in smaller containers. The chemicals cannot be mixed; therefore, they cannot be...

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GOV Regulation Changes Regarding Red Diesel

24 February 2022 by CSG
Rebated diesel is a chemically marked and dyed gas oil. In the UK, the colour of the dye is red, thereby the name red diesel. Red diesel usage is common in industries with heavy machinery, like...

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CSG’s Women in Science

10 February 2022 by CSG
2022 marks the 7th annual day for International Day for Girls and Women in Science. It is a UN initiative to encourage gender equality, equal access to and participation in Science, Technology,...

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Building the Future – National Apprenticeship Week 2022

07 February 2022 by CSG
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to begin a career without a degree. While degrees are an important part of a skilled workforce, they might not be suitable for everyone. Apprenticeships offer...

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Everything You Need to Know About Chemical Spills

01 February 2022 by CSG
Despite procedures to mitigate the risk of spills and leaks, accidents can still occur. What should you do when this happens to protect employees and prevent pollutants from escaping your

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Keep Your Sewage System in Tip-top Condition

24 January 2022 by CSG
Have you recently moved into or live at a property not connected to the mains drainage system? Then you will most likely have a septic tank, cesspit or sewage treatment plant. Regularly...

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Toilets: The Luxury You Didn’t Know You Had

17 November 2021 by CSG
On average Brits will spend 416 days of their lives in the bathroom. It's where we get ready to face the day and wind down for the night. It's where we go to escape, to forget our worries for a...

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Road Safety Week – Managing Risk

15 November 2021 by CSG
Road Safety Week is the UK's biggest annual road safety campaign organised by Brake. In 2021 it takes place between the 15th and 21st of November. In 2020, 1,516 people died on UK roads. A...

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Sewage Collection: Our Numbers and Figures

04 November 2021 by CSG
When founded by Edgar ‘Bunny’ Hart in 1934, the company’s core business was sewage collection. Over the last 80 years, CSG has perfected that art and now provide our industry-renowned sewage...

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CSG Health & Safety Week 2021

19 October 2021 by CSG
People are one of CSG’s core four pillars, our employees make CSG what it is today. Protecting our employees' health and safety, improving wellbeing, and developing knowledge, talents and

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CSG’s Unique Treatment Processes to Recover Resources

15 October 2021 by CSG
Gone are the days when waste was just something you put in the bin to not think about again. Following a change in perceptions, we now increasingly see waste as a resource. This transformation...

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A Successful Vaccination Strategy, But What Happens to The Waste?

20 July 2021 by CSG
Clinical and healthcare waste is one of the most difficult waste streams to handle, but one of the most important. This is because clinical waste is: at high risk of exposure to infections and...

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Everything You Need To Know About Soluble Oil Waste

17 June 2021 by CSG
What is soluble oil? Soluble oil is one of the most common waste streams CSG deals with on a daily basis. All oil and water mixtures are classified as hazardous waste and must be treated

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Titanic achievement for waste firm

04 June 2021 by CSG
National waste management specialist CSG has marked World Environment Day by assessing its own operational impact on landfill reduction – and the results are simply Titanic! Antony Gerken, CSG...

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CSG – Learning at Work Week

21 May 2021 by CSG
At CSG there is a strong consensus that our employees are our greatest asset and the importance of CSG’s people culture is driven by a Board that truly believe in it. To us taking care of,...

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Waste team celebrates clean water achievement

14 May 2021 by CSG
As part of Water Saving Week, national waste management company has celebrated its recycling achievements – cleaning enough water in 2020 to fill the Albert Hall four times over. CSG, which...

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Apprenticeships: Back to the Future

08 February 2021 by CSG
If you were asked to name five things you know about CSG, you’d probably list our reputation for excellence in waste treatment, our Hampshire base, our long history, our nationwide reach and our...

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Apprenticeship Achievements Worth Celebrating!

25 November 2020 by CSG
Casey Jones is a prime example of why CSG has invested in an extensive programme to train people. After completing her Customer Services Apprenticeship, she is now a fully-fledged and valuable...

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National Marine Week – The best job in Teesside

05 August 2020 by CSG
National Marine Week is the UK’s annual focus on the protection of coastline environments – and allows us to turn the spotlight on a unique vehicle in the CSG fleet. Plying its trade on the...

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Meet our ‘Women in Waste’

08 March 2020 by CSG
At CSG its all about the people - because they enable us to offer high-quality services. On this International Women's Day we would like to highlight some of the very talented women we have within...

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The Importance of Waste Management in Epidemics and Pandemics

02 March 2020 by CSG
I doubt anyone has missed the many reports of coronavirus’s (COVID-19) spread across the world, now on the verge of becoming a pandemic. For people who have visited affected areas like China,...

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11 hazardous household waste items – and what to do with them!

13 February 2020 by CSG
What is hazardous waste - it can be defined as any substance that could cause damage to our health or our environment, for example, items that may easily ignite or are flammable, are toxic and...

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The Future of Waste

16 December 2019 by CSG
As we enter 2024, we are trying to predict what the future of waste management will look like. The industry is constantly transforming, with the development of new technologies and better

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Achilles & CSG

09 December 2019 by CSG
My role in developing CSG's management systems is, I am pleased to say, never dull. CSG was recently visited by Achilles. Although I would love to say this was the mythological demigod from...

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Owning the Problem of More Consumption

25 November 2019 by CSG
The countdown is on to another Black Friday, which for many retailers and e-tailers, is still the most frantic, most lucrative day of the year. Throughout its relatively short existence in the UK,...

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CSG’s 85th Anniversary Celebrations

07 November 2019 by CSG
Did you know that 2019 marks the 85th anniversary of CSG? If you didn’t here’s a brief journey through our history, from the day were created, by Bunny Hart, in 1934 to the present day. To...

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CSG: The First 85 Years

06 November 2019 by CSG
2019 is an important year for CSG - it’s the 85th anniversary of our birth! ‘Hampshire Cleansing Service’ was founded in January 1934 by Edgar ‘Bunny’ Hart, the patriarchal figure of the...

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Same Place, Different World: 40 Years at Cadishead

17 July 2019 by CSG Press Office
March 1979 was an uncertain time. Emerging from the ‘Winter of Discontent’, James Callaghan’s government had lost a confidence vote, forcing a General Election. Airey Neave MP was killed by...

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Safe Equipment

30 May 2019 by CSG Press Office
As you probably know, we take our Health & Safety responsibilities very safely, here at CSG. In April 2018, we held our inaugural ‘Health & Safety Week’, an initiative we repeated this...

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Safe Processes

30 May 2019 by CSG Press Office
As you probably know, we take our Health & Safety responsibilities very safely, here at CSG. In April 2018, we held our inaugural ‘Health & Safety Week’, an initiative we repeated this...

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Safe Environment

21 May 2019 by CSG Press Office
As you probably know, we take our Health & Safety responsibilities very safely, here at CSG.  Last April, we held our inaugural ‘Health & Safety Week’, something we’ve already planned...

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Safe People

11 April 2019 by CSG Press Office
As you probably know, we take our Health & Safety responsibilities very seriously, here at CSG.  Last April, we held our inaugural ‘Health & Safety Week’, something we’ve repeated this...

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CSG Says: Don’t Forget To Love The Environment, This Valentine’s Day

14 February 2019 by CSG Press Office
As any young lover will know, February 14th is St. Valentine’s Day, traditionally the day of the year where proclamations of love are offered to the object of our affection. Older lovers will also...

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World Environment Day: Perceptions are Changing

05 June 2018 by Antony Gerken
When I was younger, “Environmentalists” were seen as wacky modern-day “tree hugging hippies”, all “as high-as-a-kite” with names like “Swampy” or “Ocean” who protested against...

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The Train to Greater Competence is Now Arriving

03 May 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
CSG have been working in field of waste removal for over 80 years but even that proud figure is dwarfed when you compare it to the hundreds of years of combined personal experience of all the people...

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A Healthy Shared Obsession

24 April 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
Between 3rd and 6th April, we held our first ever Health & Safety Week, across the 27 sites that make up the CSG group. Designed to promote awareness of the issues of health and safety at work,...

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Making Sustainability Count

22 March 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
“Knowledge is power”. “Data is value”. “If you can’t monitor it, don’t do it”. We’re probably all familiar with these rather trite sayings because aspiring managers everywhere love...

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It’s All About The People

15 March 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
In earlier blogposts, we’ve examined how CSG’s Heritage, Innovation and Customer Service make up three of the ‘pillars’ identified as upholding our brand values. In this, the final part of...

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Driving Ambition

01 March 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
It’s 6am and another day begins for Ben Tully at our Botley depot. Ben is 21 and has just completed his apprenticeship and is ready to make the next move to become a tanker driver. Until he’s...

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A Trust Destined For Life

22 February 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
1976 was an awfully long time ago. Looking back at some of the events of that year – the first commercial flight by Concorde, The UK winning the Eurovision Song Contest and inflation hitting 16.5%...

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Who Will Watch the Watchers? The Case for Internal Audit

29 January 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” wrote the Roman satirist Juvenal around the turn of the 2nd century, raising questions of the capability of those in authority to discharge their duties

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From One Revolution to the Next: A History of CSG Cadishead

17 January 2018 by Daryl Tunningley
Our recent blog post about CSG’s heritage showed the importance of history to this company. Developing the idea, we thought it might be interesting to take a closer look at one of our sites, our...

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Making Your Waste Work

11 December 2017 by Daryl Tunningley
You may have read about the way we’ve defined the four main aspects of CSG, our brand pillars – and perhaps read more about two of them, Customer Service and Heritage. In this, the third of the...

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Thinking Outside the Tank

07 November 2017 by CSG
Kevin Mooney is not a man given to taking ‘no’ for an answer. As CSG’s Health & Safety Manager, it’s a necessary virtue to have – it’s an area where tenacity can be repaid by life and...

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Our Past, Your Future

11 October 2017 by CSG
By now, you may be familiar with CSG’s recent efforts to identify the most important elements that make us what we are – which we’ve called our brand pillars.  Last week, we examined our...

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Treatment and Recovery

26 September 2017 by CSG
If you’ve spent any time involved with the Waste industry, it’s a fairly safe bet that you’ll be familiar with the Waste Hierarchy. As long ago (or as relatively recently, depending upon your...

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Working Together For You

14 September 2017 by CSG
You may have read of our recent efforts to define the strongest parts of what makes CSG what it is. After much discussion, we arrived at four distinct elements, what we like to call our ‘brand...

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A ‘Brand’ New Outlook

22 August 2017 by CSG
Over the last year, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about CSG, what it means, what it stands for and what it is that sets us apart from our competitors. Technically, you could call it a...

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The Beat of a Different Drum

10 August 2017 by CSG
For decades, CSG subsidiary Willacy Oil Services has been one of the leading providers of specialist oil storage cleaning services in the UK. From their Flintshire headquarters, close to the huge...

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The Total Answer To Waste Management Burden

03 August 2017 by CSG
The man who said there were only two certainties in life - death and taxes – got it wrong. He forgot waste. It’s an inevitability of pretty well all human activity from domestic to

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The Hart Of Waste

12 July 2017 by CSG
The great and the good of CSG gathered in a Hampshire hotel recently to celebrate another landmark occasion in the company’s long and illustrious history. The cause for celebration was the...

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Putting a Good Spin on Wastewater

03 July 2017 by CSG
Centrifugal force is one of the more entertaining laws of physics. Many of us have swung a bucket of water around our heads (hopefully, without spilling any) in an attempt to impress small...

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Action at ‘The Bourne Community’

21 June 2017 by CSG
CSG were recently pleased to present the River Bourne Community Farm in Salisbury, Wiltshire with a funding boost of £20,000. The contribution was made via the Landfill Communities Fund, an...

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Sweetness and Weight

14 June 2017 by CSG
If you’ve ever visited CSG’s Cadishead depot, you will probably have met Phil Jones. Phil is stationed in the weighbridge at the entrance to the site and administers all the visitor passes to...

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CSG Worcester: A Source of Innovation

06 June 2017 by CSG
CSG has completed a project to develop one of the most advanced sewage treatment facilities within the private sector. The facility, in Worcestershire, became fully operational in March this...

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Confined Spaces, 25 Places

10 May 2017 by CSG
Earlier this year, 25 of our team underwent training to enable them to work safely and correctly in confined spaces. Confined Spaces Regulations have been in force since 1997 and are designed...

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To Boldly Clean Where No Man Has Cleaned Before

15 March 2017 by CSG
On an unremarkable industrial estate just past Queensferry in North Wales, less than a mile from the English border, lies an operation that can claim to be at the very frontier of industrial...

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50 Years on: CSG to the Rescue!

02 March 2017 by CSG
1972 was a hugely significant year for the waste industry.  It was a year when operators were forced to act far more responsibly in their disposal of hazardous waste. It took an incident that made...

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A Greater Focus on Health & Safety

23 February 2017 by CSG
CSG recently welcomed Kevin Mooney to our ranks, in the role of Health & Safety Manager. It’s an appointment that highlights the paramount importance of the health and safety of our staff,...

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How a Septic Tank Really Works

09 February 2017 by CSG
You may not have given much thought to the way your septic tank works – which is fine as long as it is working – but knowing just a little can help you ensure that it remains in good order...

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The Erimus Star: Where Oil and Water Mix

18 January 2017 by CSG
One of CSG’s more unusual oil disposal services can be found in Middlesbrough, on the river Tees, performing a valuable task at any time of day or night. The Erimus Star started life as a...

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Small Waste Oil Burners – Are You Legal?

30 November 2016 by CSG
If you have a Small Waste Oil Burner (SWOB) are you aware of the changes to the law permitting their use? Since 1st April 2016, DEFRA (The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural...

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Autumn “Leaves” its Problem!

22 November 2016 by CSG
Autumn has certainly arrived and as a result, it’s a good time to think about interceptor cleaning for all businesses required to have one on their forecourt. After a mild start to season,...

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Confessions of a Septic Tank Novice

11 November 2016 by CSG
We’re often called to help when someone has had a problem with their septic tank. Our advice to know a little about your system and follow a few simple steps and you should never have to call...

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The Greening of a Landfill Site – How Far We’ve Come…

10 August 2016 by CSG
You may remember in 2013 CSG reported on a former 10-acre landfill site at Wyrley Grove, Pelsall in Staffordshire which was operated by the Fareham based waste solutions specialist until it was...

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It’s a Family Affair

18 July 2016 by CSG
CSG Lanstar is part of a long-established independent family-owned waste management company – but there’s another family playing a big part in the organisation’s operations. Among...

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Small Waste Oil Burners now Considered Incinerators

17 February 2016 by CSG
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have recently amended their classification of small waste oil burners. As these units are considered technical units due to their...

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EA Changes Hazardous Waste Registration Policy

10 February 2016 by CSG
From the 1st April 2016, there are two changes you need to know about: 1. Premises Registration – There will no longer be a requirement for any premises in England to register with the...

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New Technical Guidance for Waste Classification

13 July 2015 by CSG
The way waste is assessed and classified in the United Kingdom has changed significantly and Environmental Agency guidance document WM3 is now in force, replacing WM2. This new document has...

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Does Adding Substances to Your Sewage System Really Work?

18 May 2015 by CSG
  You may have heard of these additives that suppliers claim provide an effective alternative to getting your septic tank emptied regularly. But what a lot of you may be wondering is...

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Moffett Forklift Truck for Packaged Waste

16 March 2015 by CSG
What is a Moffett forklift truck? A Moffett forklift truck is a type of forklift vehicle that is able to attach itself to another vehicle, as shown in the image above. Why is a Moffett...

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New Plans to Deregulate Domestic Sewage Systems

21 October 2014 by CSG
Over the last few months the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have been consulting on making changes to the regulations on domestic sewage systems in England. DEFRA has set...

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The £5 Tanker That Launched a Multi-Million Pound Business

23 May 2014 by CSG
  It might look like a quaint period piece now, but this ancient Dennis tanker was the vehicle that launched a multi-million pound waste management business still going strong today and...

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Hazardous Waste Regulation Changes

25 February 2014 by CSG
Cleansing Service Group would like to draw your attention to some key changes within the Environment Agency's Technical Guidance document, which are scheduled to come into effect on 1st April...

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Are Harmful Pollutants Hiding in Your Waste Oils?

17 September 2013 by CSG
Waste oil comes in different forms and its chemical composition can vary significantly based on how the material was used during its operational life. Oils flexibility can however have drawbacks as...

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