Keep Your Sewage System in Tip-top Condition

24 January 2022 by CSG

Septic Tank (ThoughtBubble)

Have you recently moved into or live at a property not connected to the mains drainage system?

Then you will most likely have a septic tank, cesspit or sewage treatment plant.

Regularly maintaining your sewage system will save you from future stress and costs. The annual cost of maintenance and repair work will be roughly between £200 – £300, depending on the size of your tank. Whilst replacing a damaged system might cost up to £14,000. Not taking into account the stress of digging up a well-landscaped garden.

The Environment Agency recommends that septic tanks should be emptied at least once every 12 months or in line with manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on the size of your tank and the number of people living at your property some systems will need emptying more frequently. CSG are happy to recommend an optimal empty frequency for your system if you are unsure. You can book your next cesspit or septic tank emptying online today!

CSG’s Top Sewage System Tips

Besides emptying your septic tank annually we have gathered some simple tips for you to follow:

  • Be water conscious and monitor water usage to prevent you from discharging more water into the system than it can handle.
  • Protect your tank and the area around it. Septic tanks, cesspits and sewage treatment plants and their soakaways are usually hidden underground. Avoid building or putting anything heavy above the tank or soakaway as it might compromise the effectiveness of the system.
  • Think about the products you flush away. Off mains sewage uses bacterial decomposition to break down solids. Heavy chemical household products, like cleaning & washing liquids or drain cleaners can kill the bacteria in the tank. Opt for biodegradable household products.
  • You should also avoid flushing wet wipes and paper towels that don’t dissolve easily, disposable nappies, tampons, or pads in the toilet. Finally, avoid pouring cooking fats and other non-decomposable materials down the drains.
  • You might come across websites selling septic tank additives, this is not necessary and will be an extra cost. Healthy septic tanks don’t need additives to function efficiently. You can read more about septic tanks additives here.

How Do I Identify a Failing System?

Being aware of the signs of an unhealthy system can help you react in a timely manner. Every system is different, but some common signs to look out for is:

  • Check for odours of sewage or a ‘rotten egg’ smell around your system or even in your basement or cellar.
  • Check for pooling of wastewater or muddy ground surrounding your sewage system.
  • Check how your drains are behaving. Slow flushing toilets or toilets that are overflowing, gurgling in the drains, overflow at washing machine hookup and overflow into shower or bath when emptying sinks might all be signs of an unhealthy system.
  • Check if the ground has movement or dips near the sewage system or drainfield.
  • Check if nearby ditches or streams have effluent in them.

Finally When in Doubt Consult the Experts!

CSG offer emptying, service, repair and installation for all sewage systems. We will have over 85 years experience of helping off-mains drainage customers with their sewage systems. 

Our operators and engineers will ensure your sewage system is running smoothly.