Small Waste Oil Burners now Considered Incinerators

17 February 2016 by CSG


The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have recently amended their classification of small waste oil burners. As these units are considered technical units due to their “sophistication” such as fans and temperature control, DEFRA have ruled they (SWOBs) now fall under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This means that going forward it will no longer be legal to burn waste oil as fuel in small burners without relevant regulation, as they will be seen as small waste incineration plants. The changes will come into force in England and Wales from 1 April 2016, further guidance will be available to identify what permits will be required and who the regulatory body will be. Companies that do not comply with the changes will be committing an offence and this could lead to action led by the Environment Agency or Natural Resources Wales.

DEFRA comments that waiting any longer “would result in unabated emissions continuing to be produced with consequential potential impacts on human health and the environment”.

For further information and guidance please see the below link:

Waste Incineration Guidance