UK Waste Industry’s First Mobile Phone App

10 October 2011 by CSG

Waste management specialists Cleansing Service Group (CSG) have launched the UK waste industry’s first mobile phone App which allows CSG and its customers to communicate quickly using the latest digital technology.

The App provides CSG customers and other users the means to categorise their waste by accessing the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) codes. This enables a waste producer to rapidly categorise their waste – whatever their location – and could be particularly useful in the event of a spill to ensure the paperwork is correct and compliant.

The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) is a list of descriptions that classifies waste into categories according to how these wastes have been produced.

 Users will also have instant access to details of the company’s services, location, contact information and the 24 hour emergency hotline.

CSG’s group business development manager, Mike Wilson, said: “The App enables those responsible for categorising wastes to have this essential information at their fingertips at all times which will assist them to make immediate decisions about handling and disposal options.

“The EWC information will be updated regularly and access to more CSG services will be added on a regular basis.”

The App is free to download from CSG’s website – – and supports Blackberry, Android and iPhone platforms.

CSG runs specialist divisions for hazardous waste treatment and recovery and is the UK’s largest provider of domestic sewage collection and disposal services.

Earlier this year it was named as one of Britain’s most successful private firms after climbing high in the Sunday Times Profit Track Top 100 league table.