United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Contract for CSG
22 September 2011 by Daryl Tunningley
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority has appointed Hampshire-based waste management specialists Cleansing Service Group to manage waste and boost recycling at its Culham site in Oxfordshire.
The contract will involve the collection of a wide range of hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams including oils, resins, paints, cutting fluids and oily rags. CSG will also carry out wet well and interceptor clearances on a regular basis.
The waste will be transported to CSG’s award winning specialist treatment and disposal facility at Cadishead, Manchester, where the great majority of the waste streams will be processed for re-use.
CSG Group Business Development Manager Mike Wilson said the contract committed both companies to work closely together to ensure that the maximum possible volume of waste was recycled.
“We’re delighted to be putting our specialist services to work thereby enabling an organisation which operates at the leading edge of technology to fulfill its sustainable goals.”
The Authority’s Culham site is responsible for operation of the Joint European Torus (JET) experiment on behalf of Europe. JET is leading worldwide investigations into the potential of fusion power as a virtually limitless source of energy for future generations.
CSG provides a wide range of total waste management services to a customer base including Government departments, local authorities, utility companies, major supermarket groups and forecourt chains. Earlier this year it was named as one of Britain’s most successful private firms after climbing high in the Sunday Times Profit Track Top 100 league table.