Waste Managers Extend Oil Recovery Operation

05 October 2015 by Daryl Tunningley

Independent waste management company Cleansing Service Group (CSG) is extending its national network of specialist oil recovery and aqueous treatment plants with the opening of a new facility at Worcester.

The company says it will begin treatment of waste at the site – a former hazardous waste transfer station purchased from Augean last year – in October following a £200,000-plus infrastructure upgrade to bring facilities up to meet CIRIA’s pollution prevention containment standard 736 and make them suitable for waste treatment.

CSG hopes to be receiving and treating more than 150 tonnes of oily water waste and aqueous waste per day at the new facility.

It will be carried to the site by the company’s specialist tanker fleet following the emptying of interceptors, tanks and drainage systems at commercial and industrial facilities such as engineering plants and garage forecourts.

The company aims to be a major player in the oil recovery market and has invested heavily over the past few years in company acquisition, site purchase and new technology designed to treat oily liquid waste for maximum recovery. Recovered oil can be converted into fuel for use on sites such as power stations and lime kilns.

Fareham-based CSG already operates similar facilities at Bristol, Plymouth, Aylesford, Southampton, Middlesbrough and Coventry and is now recovering millions of litres of oil each year.