World Leader on Course for Zero to Landfill
01 December 2012 by Daryl Tunningley
The UK operation of the world’s leading aircraft landing gear manufacturer, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (MBD), is on course to achieve its UK ‘zero waste to landfill’ target by 2015.
The company’s waste management partner, Cleansing Service Group, says that three years after the introduction of a Total Waste Management (TWM) programme at MBD’s UK base in Gloucester, waste audit figures show the company is now recycling around 76 per cent of its by-products – a rise of 64 per cent.
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty’s UK operation has now awarded CSG a new four-year TWM contract to help ensure the coveted environmental target is achieved.
By concentrating on treatment and recovery, including waste to energy on some waste streams, as well as increasing the segregation of dry waste to maximise recycling, CSG is confident MBD’s target will be reached.
The majority of waste collected and treated by CSG on MBD’s behalf comprises acids, caustics, oils, contaminated rags/wipes and bulk non-hazardous dry wastes.
CSG Group Business Development Manager Mike Wilson said: “Achieving Messier-Bugatti-Dowty’s ambitious target of zero waste to landfill for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes is a challenge, but one we believe is winnable by 2015.
“Many of our customers are now looking to reach this target within a few years and we are able to employ the full range of current and newly developed Best Available Techniques (BAT) to help them achieve their aim.
Award-winning CSG, which has its national headquarters in Fareham Hampshire, and operates the UK’s largest industrial waste treatment and recovery facility at Cadishead, Manchester, is a leading provider of TWM services.
Messier-Bugatt-Dowty, a Safran group company, has been at the forefront of landing gear technology for over 80 years. Its landing gears are in service on over 23,000 aircraft making over 35,000 landings every day.