“You’re Excellent”, Waste Managers Told

07 May 2012 by Daryl Tunningley

CSG Lanstar, the Manchester-based hazardous waste management arm of Cleansing Service Group, was presented with the prized Excellence Award at this year’s Salford Business Awards ceremony.

The award recognises high standards of leadership, planning, business analysis, people management and customer-led focus.

Announcing its decision, the awards judging panel praised CSG Lanstar for “its approach to achieving excellent service delivery, including a strong commitment to reducing their carbon footprint, innovative procedures and great community spirit.”

The company, previous winners of a Salford Innovation Award, operates the UK’s largest hazardous waste treatment and recovery complex at Cadishead and has a customer base which includes major forecourt operators, supermarket chains, utilities, chemical companies and food producers.

The annual awards are organised by Salford City Council, The Business Group and the University of Salford. RBS sponsored the Excellence Award.

University of Salford vice chancellor Martin Hall said: “Business is key to the continuing economic growth of Salford and to ensuring that good jobs are available.”

The picture shows CSG Managing Director Neil Richards (centre) with Cadishead Site Manager Jen Cartmell and Danny Pennington from Excellence Award sponsor RBS.